Monday, August 18, 2008

study update..

well.. despite the good news with our bedroom & lounge, i only have bad things to say about our study :-(

i had been making good progress, but unfortunately the door handle had broken off, and i hadn't gotten round to moving stuff *out* of the room..

sure enough a toddler got in and trashed the place! everything that was carefully sorted got spectacularly unsorted, everything that had been put away got tossed out again, and so on...

so now that we have fixed the door handle it is back to square one & mission five for me :-(

lounge progress

we attacked the lounge a wee bit this weekend.. not exactly planned, but good nonetheless!

the main change is the tv/stereo unit..
it's quite visually dominant in our small lounge, but it looks heaps more unified, and having the speakers up there gets rid of the cables that were running around the walls & stops toddlers pulling the overs off all the time & posting things into the horns! the nappies underneath still need sorting though..

the other breakthrough we made is the dining table..
i hadn't actually posted before pics of this, but i'm sure you can extrapolate from the state of everywhere else!

before pics of the tv unit are here..

bedroom update!

finally the promised pics of the bedroom changes!

the wardrobe is heaps better, we've gotten rid of the stuff all over the top of the drawers, the fabric is much tidier (still not the ideal home, i know), we've both tossed the clothes that we hardly used, and i've gone through the drawers, now 2.5 of them are empty! And the remaining ones only hold what they should and are all tidy :-)

it's a similar story with the kids drawers, and we're working on keeping the top clear all the time..

you can check out the hideous before pics here, here & here..

Monday, August 4, 2008

mission five

Mission five
finish sorting the toys in the study


Sunday, August 3, 2008

sunday update

i've been hard at work in our study today, making heaps of progress! but i won't post a pic because you'll just laugh..the floor & shelves are still completely covered! but in my defence that is just because i am sorting things in there ;-)

i've been rearranging the books to make better use of the shelves size-wise (because we have more to home in there!), and separating fiction from non, and getting the heavier books off the flimsier shelves!

we've tossed most of the tapes (the LP collection remains..) and our ancient cd-rom stash, a 26 year old forest green laziboy (bought as a nursing chair for me!), and i have started on.. The Toys (insert ominous thunder here)

so today...
2.5 supermarket bags of rubbish
1 big box of stuff to give away
1 big box of D&D books to give away
1 laziboy to give away
1 supermarket bag of paper to recycle

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday update

well, i didn't get started til after midday, but..
i got our bedroom finished!!

i'll post pics when it is a bit sunnier (and once i've cleaned a wee bit!)

so adding to the tally-
1 supermarket bag to give away
1 big box to sell
1 supermarket bag in the rubbish
1 small box of stuff to live in other rooms


and i've made a start on the study too, mostly just grouping the stuff into smaller groups to sort through separately at the mo, and organising the books a bit more to make better use of the bookshelves..

it is seriously daunting though, i had a good amount of momentum in our room, but the sheer volume of it all, and the nature of it (lots of things that *might* be useful for the kids, or nic-nacs that belonged to my mum or were given to me by her but that i don't necessarily like anymore..) make it a much, much more challenging task :-?

ah well.. shall press on, and we will overcome! :-)

Friday, August 1, 2008

weekend plan #1

we're all home this weekend, so the MOTH is going on 'babysitting' duty ;-) and i'm waging war on the house! (and feeding the baby, obviously)

soooo.. my plan of attack is...

our bedroom -
* mission #4 as previously posted..
* refolding the nappy fabric stash so it is tidier until is finds a better home
* sorting the remaining two drawers (candles & misc)
* tidying the top of the drawers..
then that should be our room finished!!!

then all going well, i'll move on to the study (insert ominous rolls of thunder here) -
* sort through toys & hopefully toss lots of them
* sort through paperwork & hopefully toss most of it
* find spaces for the books & hopefully keep most of them ;-)
* toss the ginormous tape collection!
* sort through the wardrobe & any other misc stuff in the room...

sadly enough that is probably heaps more than i can get done in 2 days.. but i'll give it a go! :-D