Friday, August 1, 2008

weekend plan #1

we're all home this weekend, so the MOTH is going on 'babysitting' duty ;-) and i'm waging war on the house! (and feeding the baby, obviously)

soooo.. my plan of attack is...

our bedroom -
* mission #4 as previously posted..
* refolding the nappy fabric stash so it is tidier until is finds a better home
* sorting the remaining two drawers (candles & misc)
* tidying the top of the drawers..
then that should be our room finished!!!

then all going well, i'll move on to the study (insert ominous rolls of thunder here) -
* sort through toys & hopefully toss lots of them
* sort through paperwork & hopefully toss most of it
* find spaces for the books & hopefully keep most of them ;-)
* toss the ginormous tape collection!
* sort through the wardrobe & any other misc stuff in the room...

sadly enough that is probably heaps more than i can get done in 2 days.. but i'll give it a go! :-D

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