my new sewing & crafting table all ready to go!
my sewing machine & overlocker live on the top, in season fabrics, machine pedals & rubbish bin underneath...
the plastic drawers hold works-in-progress (sewing & knitting), patterns & tracing paper (ok, el cheapo baking paper ;-) ), and felting fleece...
the built in drawers hold sharp things in the lockable one, felting & knitting tools in the middle, and sewing notions in the bottom...
and stashed in the back are my tracing/cutting board (aka hunk of MDF) & 1m/40" steel ruler.
the stack of fabric on the right, in front of our new curtains *insert happy dance here*, will live elsewhere, once there is an elsewhere for it to live in ;-)
doesn't it just bristle with potential?! :-D

the plastic drawers hold works-in-progress (sewing & knitting), patterns & tracing paper (ok, el cheapo baking paper ;-) ), and felting fleece...
the built in drawers hold sharp things in the lockable one, felting & knitting tools in the middle, and sewing notions in the bottom...
and stashed in the back are my tracing/cutting board (aka hunk of MDF) & 1m/40" steel ruler.
the stack of fabric on the right, in front of our new curtains *insert happy dance here*, will live elsewhere, once there is an elsewhere for it to live in ;-)
doesn't it just bristle with potential?! :-D