my new sewing & crafting table all ready to go!
my sewing machine & overlocker live on the top, in season fabrics, machine pedals & rubbish bin underneath...
the plastic drawers hold works-in-progress (sewing & knitting), patterns & tracing paper (ok, el cheapo baking paper ;-) ), and felting fleece...
the built in drawers hold sharp things in the lockable one, felting & knitting tools in the middle, and sewing notions in the bottom...
and stashed in the back are my tracing/cutting board (aka hunk of MDF) & 1m/40" steel ruler.
the stack of fabric on the right, in front of our new curtains *insert happy dance here*, will live elsewhere, once there is an elsewhere for it to live in ;-)
doesn't it just bristle with potential?! :-D

the plastic drawers hold works-in-progress (sewing & knitting), patterns & tracing paper (ok, el cheapo baking paper ;-) ), and felting fleece...
the built in drawers hold sharp things in the lockable one, felting & knitting tools in the middle, and sewing notions in the bottom...
and stashed in the back are my tracing/cutting board (aka hunk of MDF) & 1m/40" steel ruler.
the stack of fabric on the right, in front of our new curtains *insert happy dance here*, will live elsewhere, once there is an elsewhere for it to live in ;-)
doesn't it just bristle with potential?! :-D
Wow, that is awesome. Although to me it doesn't bristle with potential as much as bristle with panic and fear ... I think I have deep psychological issues with sewing and knitting and such things - I really WANT to be the kind of person that doesn't, but whenever I try it ends in a complete tanty on my part. Oh well, I'll just work at my work and keep on supporting forrest folk with my earnings!
Looking good Nova.
I'm still doing rather badly. Yesterday I took five old recipe books to the charity shop. To reduce clutter, y'know?
Somehow I came home with a dress for Brighid (who doesn't actually *need* it) and a plate. One bread and butter plate which matches another charity shop find I already own.
Not very good on the reduce front.
I LOVE the locked drawer for sharp things. I need one of those... badly! Both for my curious 1 year old and my fascinated with scissors almost-3-year-old.
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