Monday, July 28, 2008

Action plan!

Sooo.. how am i actually going to go about this?!

well i'm planning to focus on one room at a time, starting with our bedroom, using the 3 pile system... except because i am awkward i'm expanding it to more piles, and not piles, but boxes! they will be-
- love &/or use (hopefully both!)
- things that belong elsewhere in the house
- sell
- give away
- rubbish
- recycle

and also planning to do as many 27-fling-boogies and 5-minute-room-rescues as i can fit in...

and most importantly, stopping anything that we really don't want from coming into the house!!!

and what am I going to do with all of it?!

well the rubbish & recycling is pretty obvious, big stuff i will sell on trade me, small stuff i will include in a massive online garage sale, things to give away will go to the sallies, west auckland hospice, and an organisation that a friend works with helping set up latin families new to nz.

And for something special, i will be selling my mum's giant teddy bear collection (those i can bear to part with, no pun intended) with the proceeds going to the NZ Child Cancer Foundation, since it has just gone 5 years since my mum died unexpectedly from lung cancer.

So hopefully that should do it! And of course I plan to track my journey on this blog!

1 comment:

awaywithwords said...

Woohoo - good luck! Keen to hear how you're getting on. Minty :)